Tuesday, February 6, 2024
Message from the President
Dear Faculty and Staff, 
As of today, I am proud to share that I have four Mardi Gras parades under my belt. As a result, my family and I have managed to fall even further in love with this magical city that we are privileged to now call home. By the time this letter is received, we’ll be preparing for number five, the Krewe of ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë, which will roll through campus today starting at 12:30 p.m. Please come out and celebrate with us as the weather is beautiful—and there’s always room for one more piece of king cake! 
On a more serious note, I want to share a few updates on organizational matters that should help our university carry out its mission effectively and efficiently. 
First, our marketing area has begun reporting directly to the Office of Strategic Communications, led by Adam Norris. This shift will help to ensure stronger integration between marketing and communications efforts, particularly those that impact student recruitment and retention. 
Second, the Department of Public Safety (including our police) now reports directly to the Office of Finance and Administration, formerly known as the Office of Business Affairs, led by Mamie Gasperecz. This change helps to ensure that public safety is tied more directly to related areas including risk management, safety inspections, parking and facilities planning. The change in the name of the office reflects this broader array of functions. 
Finally, the Office of Research is temporarily reporting to me, as we take steps to build a Division of Enrollment Management that will report to Provost Darrell Kruger. As an urban public research university, we need to have strong leadership for our research enterprise. Therefore, I am working to secure resources to launch a national search for a Vice President for Research and Economic Development later this year, that will ultimately report to me. Until then, I am grateful to Carol Lunn, Assistant Vice President for Research and Economic Development, for providing the daily leadership that our faculty need to support their research and creative activity. 
I appreciate the many thoughtful comments and shared perspectives that have helped to inform these changes. I also know that change, regardless of the rationale, can be exhausting. It is important that our community take at least a few days in the next week to rest and recharge. Happy Mardi Gras everyone!
Kathy Johnson, Ph.D.