Get the skills you need to advance in an emerging field:

Three additional courses from:
URBN 5150 – Planning for Hazards 3
SOC 5875 – Sociology of Disasters 3
GEOG 5805 – Fundamentals of Mapping and GIS 3
MURP 6030 - Social Policy Planning 3
MURP 5140 - Environmental Planning 3
MURP 5145 - Coastal Zone Planning and Administration 3
URBN 5140 - Citizen Participation 3
URBN 6165 - Urban Public Policy Analysis 3
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.

12 hours from
GEOG 5805 – Fundamentals of Mapping and GIS
GEOG 5810 – Introduction to Remote Sensing
GEOG 5820 – Remote Sensing II: Digital Image Processing & Analysis
GEOG 5830 – GIS Theories and Concepts
GEOG 5832 – Advanced Techniques in GIS
MURP 5081 – Information Technology for the Planning profession
All courses are offered on-site with access to labs for practical training in essential techniques.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.

Students, with any academic background, interested in gaining knowledge about historic preservation may participate in the certificate program and take twelve credit hours from a list of required and elective courses.
12 Hours Required
URBN/MURP Courses are with the approval of Mr. David Lambour, Coordinator, Historic & Cultural Preservation Graduate Certification.
ANTH courses are with the approval of Dr. D. Ryan Gray, The Richard Wallin Boebel Endowed Professor in Anthropology.
HIST courses are with the approval of Dr. Mary Mitchell or Dr. D. Ryan Gray.
Other courses as approved by the Certificate Coordinator.
Core Curriculum:
MURP 5010-Policies and Politics of Historic Preservation
ANTH 5721-Cultural Resources Management: Theory & Practice
HIST 6008- Intro Public History
Electives (Choose One):
ANTH 5790-Internship in Anthropology
ANTH 5991-Advanced Field Research in Anthropology
ANTH 6201-Analysis Tech Writing CRM
HIST 6603-Research in New Orleans History
HIST 6992-History Internship
MURP 5071-Historic Preservation Law
MURP 5081-GIS for the Planning Profession
MURP 6450-Local Economic Development
MURP 6800-Planning Internship
MURP 6900-Independent Study
URBN 5100-Gentrification in Historic Districts
URBN 6165-Urban Public Policy Analysis
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.