Sanctions are designated intentionally and consistently, keeping in mind that the best lessons are often learned from firsthand experience. The following represents some, but not all, commonly issued sanctions and the rationale behind them:
Conduct Admonition
This sanction is a warning when a student or student organization is responsible for policy or Code violations. Future violations will likely result in additional, higher-level sanctioning.
Loss of Privileges
For the time that the sanction is in effect, the student or student organization is asked to reflect while prohibited from engaging in on campus privileges, access, membership in groups or organizations, or participation in designated activities related to the violation.
Administrative Separation Directive
This allows parties involved to each feel safe from sources of conflict, potential or perceived conflict. This directive prohibits named students from contacting, emailing, telephoning, or otherwise disturbing each other.
Educational Project, Paper, Workshop, or Course
A reflection paper will give a student the opportunity to look back on their actions and determine what they have learned, how they have impacted themself and others, and how they may avoid future missteps. The topic and essay questions you are assigned will depend on the individual incident. A member of the Office of Student Accountability will provide specific details for completing and submitting the assignment.
A On-Campus Housing Probation Reflection Paper requires you to write an essay about what impact being removed from university housing would have on you. This assignment may be considered a final step before housing suspension or removal.
Online alcohol and/or drug education modules are educational sanctions for underage and/or first-time alcohol policy violators. When enrolled in the module, a student will receive evidence-based strategies to reduce their risk for experiencing negative consequences from substance use.
Other course or workshop enrollment/participation may be required as a sanction when it is related to the incident and finding of responsibility.
Disciplinary Housing Suspension or Relocation
If the student is preventing the university from providing a safe and comfortable living environment for all residents, the student may be relocated or removed from housing altogether.
Fines and Restitution
If a student or student organization is found responsible for theft, misappropriation or damage to property, this sanction requires them to pay restitution.
Some sanctions are assessed fines, assessed to deter a student from repeating the violation. Fines may be imposed separately or in addition to any other sanction(s).
Disciplinary Probation
This sanction is implemented for repeat violations of the Code of Conduct and/or for the more serious violations of the Code of Conduct. If a student is found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct again while on disciplinary probation, the student will likely be suspended from the university.
Disciplinary Suspension
If the student is found responsible for policy or Code of Conduct violations and the reported behavior is preventing the university from providing a safe and comfortable living environment or learning environment, for egregious policy or Code violations or repeat violations, a student may be suspended from the University. If a student is suspended from the university, the student will be withdrawn from all classes at the 亚洲无码, and will have to complete a period of probation upon return to campus.
Other Sanctions
All other sanctions may be found in the 亚洲无码 Student Code of Conduct, starting on page 15.