Set in the civil rights era, A House Divided explores the private and public lives of two men, united in philosophy and friendship but divided by race, class and the circumstances of their rearing ―and how their personal choices affect their public lives. The novel is at once a murder mystery and a reflection on a turbulent time in American history.
"A history of lives that strove for politlcal greatness and fell far short on the scale of personal goodness. . . . Barton telescopes all that [a son] learns into a deeply held conviction that men are flawed, but that those men who fail also often succeed in making the world a better place."― The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune
Award-winning writer and critic Fredrick Barton has authored four novels, a play in verse, and numerous short stories, essays, and reviews. He was a founder of the Creative Writing Workshop at the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë where he served as Director for many years. He continues to teach in the program and live in New Orleans, LA.