Athletics Advisory Council
The primary mission of the Athletics Advisory Council is to discuss, review, and provide advisory recommendations to the Director of Athletics and President on topics, including, but not limited to student-athlete well being, academic integrity, academic support, gender equity issues, diversity issues, and the commitment to compliance with NCAA and Southland policies and procedures. The Athletics Advisory Council serves at the discretion of the President of the University.
Voting members are one (1) Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) appointed by the President of the University, Provost, three (3) faculty members appointed by the President of the University, three (3) faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate and appointed by the President of the University, one (1) staff member appointed by the President of the University, the NCAA Certifying Official, President of the Student Government Association, and President of the Student-Athlete Advisory Council.
Non Voting Members are the Director of Athletics, senior female Administrator, and Associate Athletics Director for Compliance and Student-Athlete Services.
Diversity Cabinet
The mission of the Diversity Cabinet is to play a central role in nurturing and sustaining the rich diversity of the student body by fostering a genuine, and continuing dialogue on the meaning and importance of inclusion and diversity in all of its manifestations.Membership:
A representative from International Education, Student Accountability, Advocacy, and Disability Services, each Academic College, First-Year Experience, the Women's Center, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, University Honors Program, Enrollment Services, Upward Bound, Student Support Services, Creative Writing Workshop, and Marketing and Public Relations, Student Affairs, student, alumni, and community representatives. -
Institutional Effectiveness Committee
Develop IE process and timeline that is aligned with the university mission and strategic plan; review IE plans and assessments, disseminate feedback; oversee assessment and evaluation across campus to ensure integrated, meaningful and sustained improvement; provide recommendations for budgeting and strategic planning based on results of IE process; communicate the results of institutional effectiveness efforts to appropriate campus and external stakeholders to promote accountability and transparency; and serve as a resource for institutional effectiveness efforts on campus.
Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Research plus an additional staff appointed by the Director, Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee), Associate Provost for Academic Programs (or designee), Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, Academic Deans (or designee), Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee), Vice President of Athletics (or designee), representative from Enrollment Management, Alumni Affairs representative, Faculty Senate representative, and one representative of the Staff Council.
Academic Affairs
Academic Advising Committee
Ensures excellence in academic advisement, a critical element of student success because it maximizes the impact of all other services necessary to ensure timely degree completion and a quality educational experience; recommends formalized training and professional development; establishes best practices for advisement across the campus; eliminates organizational and communication barriers to effective student advisement; professionalizes academic advisement.
Academic Deans (or designees), Registrar (or designee), Director of Advising, two academic advisors, one representative from the Office of Enrollment Services, and the Associate Provost for Academic Programs (or designee).
Deans Council
Represent interests of academic units in strategic decisions of central administration; identify priorities and issues to be addressed at a campus level; communicate current strategies, initiatives and other news to constituents.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Deans for the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Education and Human Development, Business Administration, Engineering, and Sciences.
General Education Committee
Develop and maintain criteria for general education courses; oversee assessment and evaluation of general education goals and student learning outcomes; steward data for improvement purposes; provide recommendations for budgeting and strategic planning based on assessment results; communicate the results of assessment efforts to appropriate campus and external stakeholders to promote accountability and transparency; serve as a resource for general education efforts on campus.
Associate Provost for Academic Programs, one representative from the Registrar’s Office, one representative each from the Colleges of Business Administration, Engineering, Liberal Arts, Education and Human Development and Sciences, and the Library.
Information Technology Advisory Council
To provide comprehensive and synergistic Information Technology support to the central administration on enterprise software, hardware, and programming proposals as well as related training needs and initiatives. ITAC will research compatibility, security, and needs for all technology requests that require access to enterprise data, servers, and networking infrastructure. ITAC will serve as a clearing house for Information Technology requests, coordinate, and make recommendations to the central administration regarding the priority and feasibility of a request as it relates to the strategic goals of the university. ITAC will also identify training needs and develop strategies to ensure a coordinated approach to the design and delivery of IT training to campus users.
In addition, ITAC will oversee the Student Technology Fee (STF) sub-committee (dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance, and efficient use of state-of-the-art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and improving student life and learning and to better prepare its students for the workplaces of the twenty-first century).
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (or designee), Dean of Students, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Dean of Library Services, Chief Information Officer, an Academic Dean, Registrar, Director Center for Teaching Innovation, AVP for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, and AVP for HRM. Chairperson appointed by the Provost. Meets quarterly.
Student Technology Fee Sub-Committee
To oversee and administer the dispersal of the Student Technology fee (dedicated to the acquisition, installation, maintenance and efficient use of state of the art technology solely for the purpose of supporting and improving student life and learning and to better prepare its students for the workplaces of the twenty-first century).
Voting membership shall consist of eight members with a student majority as follows: Student Government President (Co-chair), Four (4) student members appointed by the SGA President, Chief Information Officer, two (2) ITAC members appointed by ITAC’s Chair. Chairperson appointed by the Dean of Students. Meets twice a year.
Graduate Council
The purpose of the Graduate Council is to recommend and advise the Provost and AVP of the Graduate School on graduate policies and procedures, such as graduate faculty policy, and graduate curriculum policy; including advisement on the procedure for review of and compliance with those policies. The Council is responsible for duties including, but not limited to advocacy for quality in graduate programs, admission process improvements, promotion of graduate student success innovations, and representation of graduate faculty concerns to the administration.
AVP of Graduate School, Academic Deans (or designees), one member from each college appointed by the Dean of the college. Appointments are for a three-year term beginning on the first day of fall semester. The Dean must make appointments by the end of spring semester.
Research & Economic Development
Institutional Review
All research activities involving the use of human beings as research subjects (participants) must be reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). Human subjects review is designed to protect participants and researchers by ensuring ethical research design and practice. Even though investigators are ultimately responsible for ensuring that the rights and the welfare of human subjects participating in research activities are protected, and that the methods used and information provided to gain subject consent are appropriate to the research, the IRB process assists investigators in this responsibility. For this purpose, investigators may not solicit subject participation or begin data collection until they have received written approval.
Membership: The IRB is comprised of 7 voting members from diverse backgrounds in order to promote complete and adequate review of research and research related activities. IRB members representing a variety of professions and disciplines to assure appropriate expertise are available to evaluate applications. These members are appointed by the President of the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë. The Board is comprised of both males and females and at least one member is an individual whose primary expertise is in a nonscientific area. At least one member is not an employee nor a part of the immediate family of a person affiliated with the institution. A quorum of the Board is defined as a majority of the membership. The nonvoting members do not count toward a quorum. No member may participate in the initial or continuing review of any project in which the member has a conflicting interest except to provide information requested by the Board. Members with conflicting interests will leave the meeting room during the deliberations and voting on said projects. Members must be present to vote. A majority of the membership present must vote in the affirmative for a motion to pass.
Research Council
The Council provides advice and assistance to the Director for Research and Economic Development on the development of planning and policy for research at the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë. The charge to the committee is to help nurture a climate that encourages new faculty to be productive in research, to sustain research activity among established faculty and to ensure that the University ranks as a major research institution.
The Research Council is an advisory body which consists of the Director, a representative from each of the colleges and the Library as recommended by the Dean, a representative from each of the Board of Regents approved centers and institutes, Vice President for Research & Economic Development, Assistant Vice President for Research & Economic Development, and a representative from the Faculty and Administrative Senate Board.
Finance and Administration
Emergency Preparedness and Campus Safety Committee
The Emergency Preparedness and Campus Safety Committee addresses environmental, health, safety, and risk issues for the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë. The Committee is co-chaired by the Dean of Students and the Safety Officer. The committee will meet periodically to review, assess and revise the documents designed to guide University Personnel during an emergency. The Committee will coordinate effective and appropriate response efforts between the University and departments, provide timely and informative notification of University closures, evacuations and reopening to the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë community and define responsibilities related to disaster/emergency preparedness and response. The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the President and provides university-wide coordination of efforts to provide a safe learning, work, and research environment for our faculty, staff and students. Committee recommendations for corrective or preventive actions are forwarded to appropriate Vice Presidents, Deans, or departments for action.
Committee membership is based upon vice presidential areas of responsibility and the number of employees in an area. Appointments are made by the President upon the recommendation of the vice presidents. The EPCSC will oversee subcommittees charged with development and implementation of best practices in chemical/laboratory safety, biological safety, emergency preparedness, and occupational safety and health. The Campus Safety Committee adheres to the concept that safety is everyone’s responsibility.
ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Laboratory Safety Sub-Committee
The Laboratory Safety SubCommittee will develop and maintain policies and procedures to ensure the health and safety of ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë students, faculty, staff and visitors related to laboratories and chemicals. The committee will ensure adherence to all federal, state and local regulations. It will provide oversight to these policies and procedures and will require that each department take an active role in adhering to them. Policies and procedures will encompass but are not limited to safe work environments subject to the OSHA Laboratory Standard and the University’s Chemical Hygiene Plan. There will be an emphasis on training and oversight of personnel, security of materials and facilities, proper handling of chemicals and waste, and documentation of all safety activities.
Representatives from Biological Science, Chemistry, Earth and Environment Sciences, Environmental Health and Safety, Physics, Psychology, and the Office of Research.
Master Planning and Space Utilization Committee
The Master Planning and Space Utilization Committee consists of representatives of internal and external constituents and is; supported by an external consultant to develop a comprehensive campus master plan that takes into account such factors as the University mission, strategic goals, anticipated enrollment growth, the environment, sustainability, energy efficiency, core infrastructure needs, building priority needs, departmental/unit consolidation, technology infrastructure, campus safety and security, green space, transportation, campus design standards, and the integration of the campus with the surrounding community. ​
An ongoing task of the committee is space utilization. The committee reviews and recommends the effective, efficient, and equitable management, utilization, and modification of all university space to the President and Executive Cabinet. Requests for and notification of all vacated space, new space, and changes to the use of space are submitted to the committee and reviewed in accordance with the policies and procedures. The committee is responsible for ensuring that audits and assessments of the utilization of space are conducted and that policies and procedures are periodically reviewed.​
Mark Pyle (co-Chair), Taryn Len Chevis (co-Chair), Kathryn Dungy, Melanie Champagne, Joy Nicole Ballard, Kara Marie Bisceglie, Cliff Golz, Abram Shalom Himelstein, Meredith King, Matthew Field, Edgar Gilberto Avila Jr., Tiffany Charise Soublet, James P Mokhiber, Bejide Legania, Steven W Rick
Holiday Committee
The Holiday Committee makes recommendations to the President for additional Presidential Closure days in addition to the 14 State holidays. They committee takes into account the Academic Calendar.
Committee membership is represented by both staff and faculty in the following areas (Faculty Senate, President’s Office, Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Staff Council, Human Resources, Finance and Administration, and Informational Technology)
Budget Committee
The Budget Committee reviews the approved University budget as well as the timeline, instrument and other aspects of the budget process; facilitates communication and dissemination of budget information; and also responds to formal requests for information.
Vice President for Finance and Administration (Chair), Provost, AVP Budget and Finance, AVP Auxiliary Services and one representative each from the Office of Research, Student Affairs, Faculty Senate and Staff Council.
Student Affairs
Title IX Task Force
Review current University policies and practices related to addressing incidents of sexual assault and to make recommendations for improvement in them, thereby improving the safety of the university campus and community.
Diverse representation from faculty, staff and students including ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Police Department, Counseling Services, Student Affairs, Student Housing, Facility Services, International Students and Scholars, Athletics, the Women’s Center, Student Government Association; de facto Chair(s) Title IX coordinators.
Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the governing body of the Faculty Council, acting in lieu of the entire faculty. Every Senator will be assigned to one of the 3 boards.Membership:
The Senate shall be composed of the following:
1. Students
The student body shall be represented by the President of the Student Government Association (or by his/her designee).
2. AlumniThe alumni shall be represented by the President of the Alumni Association (or his/her designee).
3. Staff
The staff shall be represented by the President of the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Staff Council (or his/her designee).4. Administration
Administration shall be represented by a Senate Executive Committee appointed member.
5. Faculty:
a) Each academic unit (each college or the library) shall be represented on the Senate Executive Committee, elected in a manner to be determined by that unit. This election shall precede and be separate from that for the remaining faculty Senators. Membership on the Senate Executive Committee is limited to full-time faculty, exclusive of the administrators of rank of Dean or above, with at least five (5) years of full time academic service at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë, or tenure.
b) The remaining faculty members of the Senate, elected from full time faculty, exclusive of the administrator of rank of Dean or above, shall be divided among units to be one representative for every ten faculty members. Each unit shall determine the manner in which their representatives are elected. Each unit with ten or more full time faculty members at the rank of Instructor will have at least one Instructor representative to the Senate at all times.
c) The chief academic officer shall by December 1 of each year forward to the Senate Executive Committee the number of full time faculty for each major unit, using the methods employed in IPEDS reporting. The Senate Executive Committee will then compute the number of seats to be elected by each unit for the next year and shall notify each unit.
d) At the beginning of each academic year, the Senate Executive Committee will nominate one adjunct faculty of the University to be a Senate member. -
Senate Executive Board
The Senate Executive Board represents the faculty as an advisory committee to the University President, making recommendations and stating faculty viewpoints concerning the policies and proposed policies of ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë.The Executive Board shall hold administrative authority for the Faculty Senate. It shall meet regularly to review proposals and resolutions submitted to the Senate for action and to determine whether the matter should become an item of Senate business. The Executive Board may seek clarification of the submitted item from the senator who originated it. If the Executive Board agrees that the matter deserves Senate attention, it shall assign the item to a Senate Board, or refer the issue to a University Committee, with a specific written charge, a tentative timetable for action, and a recommendation to work with other university committee if appropriate. If the Executive Board chooses not to accept an item for Senate action, it may refer the matter to the administration. Decisions by the Executive Board may be appealed to the entire Senate. The President shall report the actions of the Executive Board to the Senate. The Executive Board members from each college will also be responsible for nominating or ensuring the election of faculty members to Senate and non-Senate committees from their own college. The Executive Board will also be responsible for reviewing the committee structure and charges at the beginning of each academic year to ensure that the committee structure, charges, and memberships are updated.
The Senate President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and representatives elected by each college and the Library shall comprise the Senate Executive Board. There shall be no more than two members from each of the colleges and Library serving on the Senate Executive Board at any one time. The President shall chair the Senate Executive Board. Each College and Library Representative may be assigned a specific role, such as Parliamentarian.
Faculty Senate ~ Academic Board
Academic Board
The Academic Board has oversight over all faculty committees involving Academic Issues. This committee formulates and reviews policies, rules, and regulations governing the admission, readmission, academic standing, and dismissal of all students for academic deficiency. The committee examines policies and procedures for academic advisement, scheduling of classes, academic calendar and registration. Additionally, the committee creates and analyzes policies to be observed by the instructional faculty in conducting classes, seminars, examinations, students' research, and student evaluations including distance education. A representative from this Board shall serve on the Distance Education Council and two representatives shall serve on the General Education Council. The Chair of the Academic Board shall meet with the Executive Board regularly to update the Executive Board on the progress of existing charges and discuss any new charges. The Academic Board shall work with the appropriate entities in Academic Affairs to resolve these issues. The Academic Board is responsible for populating its committees with the assistance of each college’s representative on the Executive Board, where appropriate.Membership:
It shall consists of Senate members with at least one representative from each college selected by the Executive Board. When possible, Senators’ interests will be taken in to account. -
Academic Program Review
This committee shall oversee the Academic Program Review process. It shall select internal and external reviewers according the by-laws. Membership: Members of this committee shall include two faculty members from each college selected by the Academic Board.Membership:
It should include at least two members of the Academic Board, the Chair of the committee and one additional member. The membership shall include 1-2 members of each college. Members do not have to be Senators. -
Courses and Curriculum
Membership shall include two individuals from each college and one from the library. These faculty members do not have to be senators. This committee shall also have at least one member from the Academic Board.
Faculty Senate ~ Administrative Board
Administrative Affairs Board
The FAA Board is responsible for issues in which Faculty interests intersect with Administrative functions including oversight of disciplinary committees, the faculty evaluation and workload policies, tenure and promotion issues, and evaluation of administrators. The Chair of this committee shall meet with the Executive Board monthly.Membership:
The membership shall include at least one representative from each college. -
Charges Committee
The Charges Committee shall review charges of possible violations of the University Policy on Faculty Conduct and shall determine whether any of the allegations in the formal complaint, if true, would constitute a violation of the University Policy on Faculty Conduct. More explicit information is set forth in the University Policy on Faculty Conduct.Membership:
One member elected by each of the degree-granting colleges within the University and of one member elected by the combined faculties of those units not a degree-granting college. Each unit shall also elect an alternate to serve in case a member of the Committee wishes to be recused on grounds of prejudice or involvement or for other reasons deemed valid by the Committee. Any tenured, full-time faculty member at the rank of Assistant Professor or above, or of one of the recognized equivalent ranks, exclusive of administrators above the rank of Departmental Chair, shall be eligible to serve on the Committee. Any full-time faculty member, exclusive of administrators above the rank of Departmental Chair, may vote. No eligible faculty member may decline to serve on the committee unless he/she has previously served on a convened Charges Committee or Hearings Committee within the last 5 years. Replacements for members whose terms have expired shall be elected by the appropriate units and shall serve for three years. Each year the Charges Committee shall elect one of its members to serve as Chair for the year. If a seat on the Committee becomes vacant before a term expires, the unexpired term shall be served by an eligible faculty member elected as described above. Those serving as staff to administrators above the rank of Departmental Chairperson (e.g., Assistant or Associate Vice Presidents, Assistant or Associate Deans, etc.) who also hold faculty rank may vote, but may not serve as a member of the Charges Committee. -
Grievance Review Committee
If the faculty member wishes to continue the grievance process, he or she may file the grievance with the Grievance Review Committee (see Appendix 1: Composition of the Grievance Review Committee). The Form of Grievance ( attached to this policy) along with all written communications that were part of the attempt to resolve the matter to this point are to be sent to the Chair of the GRC, with a copy to the person against whom the grievance is being filed. Within 10 working days of receiving the materials of the grievance, the GRC will review them and determine if the criteria for a grievance as specified in this policy are met (see above, Section 1, Introduction--General Principles). The GRC may contact any of the parties involved in the matter to this point to seek additional information or to verify the documentation it has received from the grievant. The purpose of the GRC at this stage is to facilitate the process of the grievance by assisting the faculty member in clarifying the issues at hand and formulating the Form of Grievance. The GRC review shall be based on and limited to the statement of grievance and the proposed resolution as stated, and it will make no judgment as to the merit of the grievance per se. If the GRC is not satisfied that the statement of the grievance meets the criteria of this policy, it may return the Form of Grievance and accompanying materials to the faculty member with suggestions for correction or clarification and the option of resubmission. The grievant will have 7 calendar days to resubmit the grievance to the GRC.Membership:
The Grievance Review Committee (GRC) is composed of one voting member and one alternate elected by the faculty of each of the colleges and the Library from among its tenured faculty. Elections shall be held in the units no later than April 20 each year and shall be conducted according to the method used for choosing the unit's Senate Executive Board members. Members and alternates from each college shall serve concurrent terms of three years. If at any time the voting member from a unit is unable to serve by reason of official leave or short-term absence, the alternate shall take his/her place. Alternates will not attend meetings of the GRC if they are not replacing voting members. The terms of GRC members shall be staggered. -
Hearings Committee
The Hearings Committee Pool serves as an elected group of faculty members from which a Hearings Committee may be formed to deal with a specific disciplinary matter. If a faculty member is accused of a violation of the University Policy on Faculty Conduct, and if the Charges Committee concludes that any or all of the allegations in the complaint, if true, would constitute a serious violation of the University Policy on Faculty Conduct, and the Provost agrees with the Charges Committee, the faculty member is entitled to submit a written request a hearing before a Hearings Committee. More explicit information on Hearings Committees is set forth in the University Policy on Faculty Conduct.Membership:
The Hearings Committee Pool shall be a standing Committee of the Faculty Council and shall consist of 21 full-time tenured faculty members holding the rank of Assistant Professor or above, or one of the recognized equivalent ranks. No administrator above the rank of Departmental Chair nor any member of the Charges Committee shall be eligible for service. No eligible faculty member may decline to serve on this Committee, unless he or she has already served on a convened Charges Committee or Hearings Committee within the last five years. The Hearings Committee Pool shall consist of two members elected by each degree-granting college within the University and one member elected by the combined faculties of those units not a degree-granting college. The remaining members shall be elected by the members of the Faculty Council from a slate of candidates selected by the Nominations and Elections Committee of the Faculty Senate. The slate shall consist of the number of candidates equal to twice the number of positions to be filled by the at-large election. Any full-time faculty member, exclusive of administrators above the rank of Departmental Chair, may vote. The term of service on the Committee shall be three years. Retiring members shall be replaced by the same mechanism by which each was elected, except that the Nominations and Elections Committee shall nominate only twice as many candidates as there are at large positions to be filled. If a seat on the Committee becomes vacant before a term expires, the unexpired term shall be served by an eligible faculty member elected as described above. If a member takes a one-year sabbatical or leave-of-absence of one or more years, that member shall be replaced for the leave period by election as described above. -
Peer Review Oversight Committee
After two consecutive unsatisfactory overall evaluations, or three unsatisfactory overall reviews in a five year period, a tenured faculty member will be subject to mandatory remediation, and the approved plan will be subject to oversight by a university peer-review committee. A standing committee, the Peer Review Oversight Committee (PROC), functions to oversee any mandated remediation. The PROC will oversee all aspects of the peer review process. Should two consecutive unsatisfactory overall evaluations by a faculty member’s chair trigger the more extensive peer review, the PROC will oversee the selection of a Peer Review Committee (PRC) for each case. The PROC will ensure that due process is followed in the ensuing review and faculty assistance processes.Membership:
The PROC is composed of one voting member and one alternate elected by the faculty of each college and the Library from among its tenured faculty. Faculty members with administrative rank of chair and above are excluded from serving. Voting members and alternates serve concurrent three-year terms.
Faculty Senate ~ Budget and Fiscal Affairs Board
Staff Council
Awards Committee - Provides support to university administration for the service pin and employee of the month/service with jazz awards, and other programs recognizing outstanding employees for their achievements.Events Committee - Coordinates efforts to collect food donations for the needy, coordinate Staff Council sponsored event(s) for University employees to encourage communication and involvement.
Membership & Election Committee - Carry out election of Councilors from qualified staff in accordance with election procedures. Carry out election of Officers from the roster of elected councilors in accordance with election procedures.
Staff Concerns Committee - Takes questions and concerns voiced, either verbally or in writing, to the appropriate university administrator or unit and report back in open meetings the answers received.
Awards Committee - Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from nonfaculty persons employed at the University more than halftime for a minimum of six consecutive months the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees.Events Committee - Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from nonfaculty persons employed at the University more than halftime for a minimum of six consecutive months the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees.
Membership & Election Committee - Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from nonfaculty persons employed at the University more than halftime for a minimum of six consecutive months the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees.
Staff Concerns Committee - Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Councilor Roster and other volunteers from nonfaculty persons employed at the University more than half time for a minimum of six consecutive months the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees.
Awards Committee
Provides support to university administration for the service pin and employee of the month/service with jazz awards, and other programs recognizing outstanding employees for their achievements.Membership:
Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from non-faculty persons employed at the University more than half-time for a minimum of six consecutive months-- the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees. -
Events Committee
Coordinates efforts to collect food donations for the needy, coordinate Staff Council sponsored event(s) for University employees to encourage communication and involvement.Membership:
Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from non-faculty persons employed at the University more than half-time for a minimum of six consecutive months-- the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees. -
Membership and Election Committee
Carry out election of Councilors from qualified staff in accordance with election procedures. Carry out election of Officers from the roster of elected councilors in accordance with election procedures.Membership:
Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from non-faculty persons employed at the University more than half-time for a minimum of six consecutive months-- the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees. -
Staff Concerns Committee
Carry out election of Councilors from qualified staff in accordance with election procedures. Carry out election of Officers from the roster of elected councilors in accordance with election procedures.Membership:
Chaired by a Staff Council member with member volunteers from the Council Roster and other volunteers from non-faculty persons employed at the University more than half-time for a minimum of six consecutive months-- the "qualified staff." Does not include Graduate Assistants, Temporary, Transient, and Seasonal Employees.