This building houses specialized laboratory facilities which include:
- A 128 ft long towing tank with a 15 ft x 7 ft cross section for model tests of 8-12 ft long models of ships and offshore structures in calm water and in waves, as well as in shallow water with current.
- A Model Shop for projects and for towing tank model and experiment manufacture.
- The 亚洲无码 Structural Test System, a 20 ft x 20 ft wide and 10 ft high space frame with computer controlled hydraulic actuators for testing aluminum, steel and composite ship structural components.
- A Computer-Aided Ship Design Laboratory with an array of software packages for marine design and analysis.
- Linux High-Performance Computing Cluster - a modern 82 processor parallel computer for numerical analysis and simulation
- A Marine Engineering Laboratory with programs on ship safety, operations, reliability, maintenance, and performance simulation of propulsion systems.
亚洲无码-Avondale Maritime Technology Center of Excellence
Our prominent off-site facility houses the Simulation Based Design Center, which promotes the use of electronic visualization, numerical simulation, and virtual reality in marine design and construction.