Educational Administration Course Descriptions
Not all courses will be offered every semester.
EDAD 6530 Student Services in Higher Education 3 cr.
(EDAD 6530 and EDGC 6530 are cross-listed) A study of student personnel programs in colleges and universities. The history, philosophy, and organization; student rights and responsibilities; discipline; and administration of these programs within the context of the purpose of higher education institutions.
EDAD 6535 College Student Development 3 cr.
An overview of the issues, theories and practices associated with effective college student development. Topics examined include various developmental and college impact theories of change and the unique characteristics and development of diverse groups of college students. The implications of interactions between theory and practice for student affairs professionals are examined throughout the course.
EDAD 6600 The American College and University 3 cr.
Introduction to contemporary United States higher education, with special emphasis on historical development, emerging trends, roles of faculty, students and administrators in the several kinds of institutions, the composition and character of governing boards, administrative hierarchy, and their coordination for colleges, universities and state systems.
EDAD 6605 Community & Technical Colleges 3 cr.
This course provides an overview of community and technical college education. It examines the history and philosophy of community and technical colleges; the skills and competencies needed by educational professionals working in these postsecondary settings; the application of appropriate administrative, educational and counseling theories in community and technical colleges; and an overview of contemporary issues in community and technical college education. The interactions between theory and practice for faculty, counselors, and administrators working in the community and technical colleges are examined throughout the course.
EDAD 6610 Legal Aspects of Higher Education 3 cr.
Prerequisite: Educational Administration 6600 or consent of department. This course provides an overview of the historic and contemporary influence of the U.S. Constitution, federal and state statutes, case law, and agency regulations that apply to the governance of higher education.
EDAD 6620 History and Philosophy of Higher Education 3 cr.
Overview of the development of the American system of post-secondary education its origins, philosophical perspectives, major characteristics, distinctive features, and trends.
EDAD 6675 Current Issues In Higher Education 3 cr.
This course examines current issues in American higher education and provides an overview of the current status of higher education in terms of individual and institutional trends. It focuses on recent developments in theory, research, policy and practice related to prominent contemporary issues; facilitates the critical analysis of such issues; and provides a forum in which the most recent issues can be synthesized in a manner that promotes a greater understanding of the dynamic interactions between research (methods and theory) and application (policy and practice).
EDAD 6681 Organization & Leadership in Higher Education 3 cr.
This course requires students to use different analytical and critical approaches for understanding the complex manner in which American postsecondary education, primarily colleges and universities, are organized, governed, administered, and led. The purposes of the course involve providing an overview or organization including the forms, structures, roles, and functions of higher education and leadership theory including leadership roles, management principles and practices. Topics examined include classic organization theory, traditional administrative and governance models, campus climate and culture, leadership theory and analysis, management principles, institutional change and assessment, race and gender, and governance.
EDAD 6683 Students in Higher Education 3 cr.
This course examines the contemporary undergraduate college student in America. The topics of this course follow a logical progression from the choice of a college or university, a student鈥檚 decision to remain or depart a given college or university, and the effects that college attendance has on students. This course will present a theoretical and practical literature regarding issues associated with today鈥檚 college student. The course also focuses on ways in which the attributes of the 鈥渢ypical鈥 college student have changed and how the proliferation of non-traditional students on college campuses has presented new challenges for administrators, student affairs professionals, and faculty.
EDAD 6684 Teaching, Learning & Curriculum in Higher Education 3 cr.
Advanced and in-depth study of the classic, contemporary, and emerging issues,ideas, concepts, theories and research that serve to define and expand the boundaries of the literatures related to the areas of teaching, learning and curriculum in higher and postsecondary education. Research and theory in these areas will be studied in ways that emphasize scholarly writing as well as concrete applications to the development of effective policy and practice in each area.
EDAD 6693 Diversity in Higher Education 3 cr.
This course examines concepts of diversity and equity within higher education. Students will be introduced to core ideas of multicultural competence to explore issues of access, equity, identity development, and campus climates for individuals from various backgrounds in higher education.
EDAD 6695 Internship In Higher Education 3 cr.
This experiential course offers students individualized opportunities for observation and participation in administration in colleges and universities. Students spend a total of 150 hours per semester working in a structured, supervised setting learning about a particular aspect of higher education administration. Additionally, the students prepare academic products related to their work in the internship setting.
EDAD 6800 School Leadership 3 cr.
School leadership theories with special emphasis on self-reflection on leadership potential and ethics
EDAD 6805 Leading the Learning Environment 3 cr.
Prerequisite:Practicing Certified Teacher. This course examines the concept of schools as learning organizations and the role of personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking. It is designed to provide individuals with current theories, research, and techniques for improving schools through an examination of the School Improvement Plan and through field experiences related to improving the learning environment in the school. This course contributes to creating and sustaining a high-performance learning culture in schools through the study of adult learning, effective professional development, and use of peer coaching and the wide lens observation technique to improve teaching practices. This course requires field experience.
EDAD 6810 School Law 3 cr.
The evolution, principles, and practices of school law and court decisions, with emphasis on school law of Louisiana and policy implementation of legal decisions.
EDAD 6812 Leading Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment 3 cr.
Prerequisite:EDAD 6800 and EDAD 6805 and acceptance into Level 2 of the Educational Leadership Program. This course serves to provide future school leaders an opportunity to examine the needs of the school/district to improve student achievement and to work with teachers and staff to implement aligned curriculum, instruction, and assessment to enable higher student achievement. This course requires field experience.
EDAD 6816 School-Based Management 3 cr.
Prerequisite:EDFR 6700, EDAD 6800 and 6 additional hours of EDAD courses. School decision making models and management with emphasis on academic improvement, personnel, finance, technology, facilities, and maintenance.
EDAD 6840 Organization and Governance of K-12 Schools 3 cr.
The political relationships between schools, government, and society through a policy orientation.
EDAD 6845 School Community Relationships 3 cr.
Implementation of effective school/community programs, including public relations and parent involvement.
EDAD 6850 Supervision of Instruction 3 cr.
Theories and practices for instructional improvement, with emphasis on clinical supervision. Skills in classroom observation, conferencing and group facilitation.
EDAD 6860 Principalship 3 cr.
Prerequisites:EDFR 6700, EDAD 6800 and 6 additional hours of EDAD courses. The Principalship course serves as one of the culminating courses that reinforces and expands theories, skills, and practices for effective leaders. The aim of the course is to provide candidates with relevant examples and simulations of a leader鈥檚 role in various levels of administrative practice.
EDAD 6875 School Improvement 3 cr.
Prerequisites:EDFR 6700 EDAD 6800 and 6 additional hours of EDAD courses. Review of the school effectiveness research with related topics including teacher effectiveness, principal effectiveness, and school improvement models.
EDAD 6890 Seminar in Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite:consent of department. This course is designed to analyze in depth contemporary administrative problems of urban and suburban educational systems.
EDAD 6895 Internship in School Leadership 3 cr.
Prerequisite: EDFR 6700 EDAD 6800 and 12 additional hours of EDAD courses. Observation and participation in administration in schools central office special projects allied organizations or other clinical settings.
EDAD 6900 Doctoral Pro-Seminar I Educational Administration 1 cr.
Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in educational administration or consent of department. The course is designed to provide an introduction to the field of educational administration. Students will explore the central paradigms and epistemological approaches in education administration, develop skills for effective review of the literature, improve their critical scholarship, understand the role and application of theory in educational research, and learn the stylistic requirements of APA (including avoiding plagiarism and expectations for scholarly writing).
EDAD 6905 Doctoral Pro-Seminar II Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in educational administration or consent of department. The course is designed to provide an introduction to the dissemination of research in the field of educational administration. Students will explore the professional organizations at the local, state, and federal levels, including how to submit conference proposals and academic presentations techniques. Students will also explore the dissertation process, including choosing a dissertation topic, the IRB process, reviewing the literature in a student's chosen area of interest, and the nature of dissertation proposals.
EDAD 6910 Strategic Approaches to Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite: admission to the doctoral program in educational administration. The course provides an overview of the development and use of strategic approaches to planning and management in education. The analysis of case studies is used to build skills in strategic analysis and understanding of the role of strategic decisions in organizational change in all levels of education.
EDAD 6920 Organizational Theories in Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in educational administration or consent of the department. An examination of organizational theories and their applicability to educational administration.
EDAD 6930 Leader Behavior in Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite: admission to doctoral program in educational administration. Survey of theories of leadership and leader behavior in educational administration. Students will organize this knowledge into a set of generalizations based on reason and experimentation.
EDAD 6940 Power and Politics in Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite:admission to 亚洲无码 doctoral program in Educational Administration or consent of department. This course provides a theoretical overview of the relationship between power and politics as applied to education. It is concerned with the impact of policy and the influence of politics in educational organizations at both the macro and micro levels.
EDAD 6950 Educational Policy Analysis 3 cr.
Prerequisite:Admission to Educational Administration doctoral program. This seminar will introduce discipline-based conceptual perspectives (or analytic frameworks), which can be used to interpret, analyze, and critique education policy construction, content, and outcomes. The course will also place policy within its socio-economic and political contexts so that students will be able to navigate the broader forces that influence policy and policymaking. The course also endeavors to heighten students鈥 overall awareness to the role and impact policy plays in education so that future educational leaders can help improve processes and products.
EDAD 6960 Conceptualizing PK16+ Education 3 cr.
Prerequisite:Admission to the doctoral program in educational administration. This course will examine issues relevant to conceptualizing PK16+ education. Students will explore challenges faced by school and postsecondary education leaders associated with the preparation of students for educational advancement and effective participation in a democratic society. Students will be challenged to define, reflect upon, and rethink effective leadership approaches associated with student preparedness and advancement as viewed through a variety of lenses: the aims, philosophies and goals of education; curricular design, implementation, assessment, and articulation across levels; learning theories and their applicability across the lifespan; teaching across PK-16+ boundaries; and curricular reform movements and their impacts.
EDAD 6980 Independent Study in Educational Administration 1 cr. min./3 cr. max.
Prerequisite: advanced graduate standing with consent of department and major professor. Investigation of pertinent problems under the direction of a graduate faculty member. This course may be repeated but total credit may not exceed six semester hours. Section number will correspond with credit to be earned.
EDAD 6991 Selected Topics in Educational Administration 1 cr. min./3 cr. max.
Prerequisite:consent of department. The content of the course will be varied from semester to semester. Section number will correspond with credit to be earned. A total of six semester hours may be earned toward a degree.
EDAD 6992 Selected Topics in Educational Administration 1 cr. min./3 cr. max.
Prerequisite: consent of department. The content of the course will be varied from semester to semester. Section number will correspond with credit to be earned. A total of six semester hours may be earned toward a degree.
EDAD 6993 Selected Topics in Educational Administration 1 cr. min./3 cr. max.
Prerequisite: consent of department. The content of the course will be varied from semester to semester. Section number will correspond with credit to be earned. A total of six semester hours may be earned toward a degree.
EDAD 6997 Research Seminar in Educational Administration 3 cr.
Prerequisite:admission to doctoral program in educational administration. This course will provide an overview of critical issues in the research design and analysis of data in educational administration. Current publications in educational administration will be reviewed and critiqued. Readings discussions and an analysis of educational methodologies and research in school administration will be critically examined.
EDAD 7040 Examination or Thesis Only 0 cr.
No credit. Open to students in a thesis program who have only (other than application for degree) the final typing and acceptance by the Graduate School of their thesis or dissertation or to students in a non-thesis program who have only (other than application for degree) to pass the final examination to complete graduation requirements.
EDAD 7050 Dissertation Research 1 cr. min./9 cr. max.
Prerequisite:approval by the candidate鈥檚 graduate committee. To be repeated for credit until the dissertation is accepted. Section number will correspond with credit to be earned.