- All ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë students must earn credit for English 1157 and 1158 before they graduate. Many students are eligible to receive credit for ENGL 1157 prior to enrolling in courses. Students must request this credit from the First-Year Writing Program (FYWP) prior to enrolling in a different English course.
- Students must consult with their advisors before requesting credit or assessment.
- Students may qualify for credit through standardized test scores, transfer credit, or Advanced Standing Assessment (ASA).
- Standardized test score must be less than five years old to be considered for evaluation of bypass credit.
- No bypass credit for ENGL 1157 can be awarded after a student has earned 30 credit hours at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë.
- No bypass credit for ENGL 1158 can be awarded after a student has earned 60 credit hours at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë.
- Students may not earn credit by exam or Advanced Standing Assessment (ASA) for courses they have already attempted.
- Credit must be requested by the student from the First-Year Writing Program. If credit is not posted before the first day of the student’s second semester at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë, the Bursar’s Office will assess a $300 posting fee.
First-Year Writing Program Placement
All test scores must be official scores sent to ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë admissions. The First-Year Writing Program cannot accept unofficial scores for credit or placement.
Placement into: | If your ACT English score is: | If your SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing Score is: | If your Accuplacer NextGen Writing score is: |
1003 + 1157 | 15 - 17 | 450 - 499 | 240 -249 |
1157 | 18 - 27 | 500 – 639 |
250 - 270 above 270*** |
1158* | 28 - 31* | 640 - 690* | |
1158** | 32 or higher** | 700 or higher** |
*Student must request ENGL 1157 credit from the First-Year Writing Program prior to enrolling in ENGL 1158.
**Student must request ENGL 1157 credit from the First-Year Writing Program and may be eligible to take the ENGL 1158 ASA bypass exam.
***Student must complete the ENGL 1157 ASA exam and be recommended for bypass credit before they will be allowed to enroll in ENGL 1158.
CLEP and AP Credit Eligibility
To earn credit for: |
AP Language & Composition |
1157 |
3 |
50 & above1 |
1158 |
4 & 5 |
1 – High CLEP score entitles the student to take the ENGL 1157 ASA bypass (exam only.)
Transfer Students
Transfer students without previous coursework may follow the placement procedure outlined above. However, you should contact the First-Year Writing Program for credit options if:
- You have credit for English Composition II, a literature class, or any other English class, 2000-level or above. You may be eligible for ASA testing options for either or both English Composition courses.
- You have a class on your transcript you think is equivalent to English Composition I or II but it has not transferred that way.
Please note:
If you submitted AP scores, credit will be awarded automatically through Admissions, and there is no charge. You do not have to do anything to get this credit posted. A score of 4 or 5 awards credit for ENGL 1157 and ENGL 1158. Contact your advisor or Admissions should you have questions regarding your AP scores.
To request credit or arrange an Advanced Standing Assessment (ASA), please contact or call 504-280-6275.