亚洲无码 Model United Nations
For over a decade, 亚洲无码 Model United Nations has sought to familiarize students with the political, economic, social and cultural activity of the United Nations organization and to prepare delegations of students to participate in major national and international conferences. In this way we seek to prepare students to become productive and engaged global citizens, to develop students' international awareness and increase their understanding of cultural differences within the 亚洲无码 community, the New Orleans metropolitan area and the world.
Each fall, students are invited to join the club and compete to become a "delegate" representing a foreign country at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference, held in New York City in early April. To prepare for this conference, students enroll in a credit-bearing class (IS 3060 "International Diplomacy Simulations") to learn how to research international issues, write effective speeches and position papers, and collaborate with others in the search for answers to crucial global issues. This class is open to both graduate and undergraduate students who are selected for the delegation.
The 亚洲无码 Model United Nations Club has achieved great success over its history, winning dozens of awards at the events like the prestigious National Model United Nations conference, held annually in New York City. In 2018, 亚洲无码 sent a delegation to Xi'an and Beijing, China, to participate in a conference there and participate in a cultural exchange event with the university's partner university there. In 2023, 亚洲无码 MUN will seek to participate in an international simulation and conference in Kobe, Japan.
Samira Bechara
Vice President
William Boartfield
Campus Advisor
Dr. James Mokhiber, Director, International Studies Program (亚洲无码 International Center 117)