Advising Information for Biology Majors
One of the more critical aspects of succeeding in our program is to receive advising about course selection so that you can achieve your goals in the most expeditious fashion. We try to provide personal relationships with our faculty.
Listed here are some hints and guidelines to help you proceed through your academic career as a Biological Sciences major.
Wendy Schluchter, Ph.D.
Biology Building 232
Phone: 504-280-7194
General information
If you feel that you are having academic problems, please talk to your academic advisor or a faculty member. Let us help you before the problems become too great. Come to the Department Office and one of the secretaries will be happy to assist you. Peer help is available to you through Beta Beta Beta (Biology Honors Club). Inquire about tutoring through the Department or from Tri-Beta's faculty Advisor. You should refer to the Catalog for prerequisites and rules governing your academic career at 亚洲无码, including procedures for grade appeals, late adds, drops or resignations.
The "University Student Handbook" contains a lot of useful information. It can be accessed online or you can request a copy from the Office of Student Affairs. Their phone number is (504) 280-6620.