Graduate Applied Practicum Information
PSYC 6191/6891
The purpose of the Practicum in Applied Psychology is to provide graduate students with an opportunity to develop skills in an applied setting within their area of specialization. All doctoral students are required to complete at least 4 semesters (3 credit hours each) of supervised practica at approved sites within the department and/or the community. At least of 2 the 4 required practica must be completed off-site (i.e., not at 亚洲无码/within the department). Students are only allowed to register for 3 credit hours of practicum at one site per semester, but may petition for permission to enroll in 6 credit hours (across 2 different sites). Petitions will be reviewed by the Practicum Committee on a case-by-case basis and, if needed, by the entire faculty.
See our list of approved sites to complete your practica.
List of approved sites
Download the Departmental Rules and Regulations
This website is designed to provide basic information and links to the forms needed for graduate students enrolled in either PSYC 6191 (Practicum in Developmental Psychology) or PSYC 6891 (Practicum in Applied Biopsychology). The information on this site is NOT intended to replace a thorough reading of the Departmental Rules and Regulations. Further, all students enrolling in practicum must contact the Practicum Coordinator, Monica Marsee, prior to enrollment.
Matthew D. Scalco
Assistant Professor
Procedures for Practicum Enrollment
Practicum sites must expose students to the practice of psychology within their chosen field of study (Developmental or Biopsychology).
The procedures for practicum enrollment are as follows:
1. Approve the Practicum Site
First, the practicum site must be approved using the Site Application form. All sites must guarantee at least 5 hours of supervised direct client contact (e.g., testing, observation, interviewing, treatment, etc). There are two types of supervisors associated with practicum sites: on-site and off-site supervisors. If the practicum site is located within the Psychology Department, the supervisor (on-site) must be a member of the graduate faculty (no off-site supervisor is necessary). If the site is located outside of the department, the on-site supervisor provides primary supervision and a member of the graduate psychology faculty must serve as an off-site supervisor. If the student is engaging in practicum activities that are defined by Louisiana statutes as the practice of psychology, at least one supervisor must be a licensed psychologist in the state of Louisiana. Sites will be approved for a period of 3 years. After 3 years, students must apply for a site approval extension by contacting the Practicum Coordinator.
2. Submit the Practicum Student Contract
Second, students wishing to complete a practicum at an approved site must submit a Student Contract that outlines the work to be completed, amount of client contact, and the supervision plan. Students are required to be involved in at least 5 hours of direct client contact per week for each practicum. Further, students must meet with their on-site supervisor weekly to review client contact activities. At least 1 hour per week of supervision is recommended.
Contracts that are approved will clearly describe:
- the stated objectives of the work to be done on-site,
- how these goals will be met,
- the amount of client contact, and
- the proposed supervision.
All contracts must be received no later than the first week of class. Any student wishing to complete a practicum at a new site must submit both a site application and a student contract. Both must be approved prior to the first week of class.
Practicum Evaluation
Upon completion of practicum each semester, students must request an evaluation of their work from their on-site supervisor. Students must provide their supervisor with a Practicum Student Evaluation form which must be completed, reviewed with the student, signed, and turned in to the Practicum Coordinator before registering for classes for the following semester. Students will not be allowed to register for classes until the form is received. Based on the on-site supervisor鈥檚 evaluation of the student鈥檚 work, the Practicum Coordinator will assign a letter grade for that semester of practicum.
Students may also wish to complete an evaluation of the practicum site using the Practicum Site Evaluation form. While these evaluation forms are voluntary, students are encouraged to complete them in order to assist future students in choosing a site. Students may contact the Practicum Coordinator to review the file of practicum site evaluations before selecting a site.
How to Select a Practicum Site
Students should select a site that provides the opportunity for training in their specific area of interest. Practicum sites vary greatly with regard to the experiences available, the population receiving services, the level of supervision, and the skills to be learned. Students should see the Practicum Coordinator for assistance in selecting a site. Students should review the list of active sites along with the feedback from previous students before making a decision. New sites may be added periodically based on student interest and availability.
Once a student has identified a potential site, the Practicum Coordinator will work with that student to arrange a meeting or interview with the site supervisor. If both student and supervisor agree to the proposed practicum, they will work together to complete the Site Application (for new sites only) and the Student Contract. All forms are available electronically on this website and should be typed, printed, signed (electronic signatures will not be accepted), and turned in to the Practicum Coordinator prior to beginning any work. Students WILL NOT be allowed to begin their practicum placements until these forms are received.