Psi Chi Events
Fall Events
Graduate School Preparation Series
Open to all students
This series provides students with information about selecting and applying to graduate schools. We also invite graduate programs from across the state to come on campus and discuss their programs with our students.
Spring Events
Career Night
Open to all students
Professionals employed in positions related to the Psychology field are invited on campus to share with students what their job entails, educational requirements, average income, and other important aspects of their career choice. Students are given the opportunity to learn about the options available to them after college and what steps they should take to obtain these career goals. This is important for all students pursuing a future career in psychology or obtaining a degree in psychology or related fields.
Open to all Psi Chi Members
Outstanding Psychology majors are invited to 亚洲无码's chapter of Psi Chi in March. Those students that accept the invitation are then invited to attend the annual induction ceremony in April. This is an important step for all of those students interested in networking, graduate school, and participating in the research and job opportunities given to the highest achieving and most promising students in the department.
Chapter Meeting
Chapter meetings are held monthly and dates are announced through emails and flyers around the department. Meetings are open to all students in the department.
Psi Chi members also participate in various fund raisers and volunteer opportunities at different times throughout the year.