Mitigation means taking steps to prepare for a disaster before it occurs, such as modifying your home, educating your community, or making a hazard mitigation plan. These resources can help you to get an idea of what you can do to better mitigate disaster, including assessment, grants, education and general mitigation techniques.
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These resources offer different overviews, guidelines and step-by-step actions that can help your organization to begin the process of disaster preparation. They also identify specific areas of preparation common to several disaster scenarios, and are applicable to most types of organizations. Being prepared can include planning, making an inventory, relocating, acquiring insurance, backing up data, protecting computers, and protecting the home.
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Being able to regain communications following a disaster is critical for resuming operations. This section addresses different aspects that revolve around an organization's communication needs, including incoming and outgoing communications and employees, vendors, and clients.
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This section pertains to the necessary measures towards resuming operations once a disaster has already taken place. Functioning after a disaster means retaining critical business functions and having a disaster recovery kit.
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Here you will find information relative to specific disaster situations. The included materials go beyond the general disaster preparations and focus on what to do in "in case of..." Some mitigation measures that can be taken to increase preparedness and reduce risk for a specific threat are also included.