Accommodative Testing Center
What is the Accommodative Testing Center (ATC)?
The ATC was established by the University to perform two vital functions for students with disabilities and the faculty of the 亚洲无码. The first is to provide a centralized facility for the provision of academic accommodations by our staff. The second is to provide a centralized location for adaptive technology for use by students.
ATC Hours
- Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
- During final exams, the ATATC may open additional hours (early, late and Saturday.)
General Policies
The Center is to be used exclusively by students with documented disabilities specifically for quiet, school-related activities such as testing, studying, or writing papers. A quiet environment is to be maintained at all times. To ensure the most distraction-reduced environment possible, the staff asks for your cooperation is keeping your discussions with us brief and goal-directed. All cellular phones and pagers must be turned off or set to vibrate and stored in a book bag or purse.
Earl K. Long Library Room 126E
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.*
Phone: 504-280-7284
Policies for Testing Accommodations/Appointments
The student must have submitted completed Student Accommodation Agreement Forms (SAA), that include test, quiz and final exams dates.
- If the student does not arrive within 15 minutes of the scheduled starting time for a test, the test will not be administered and will be retuned to the instructor.
- Students may not start testing at a different time than that which the instructor has indicated on the form, unless prior approval from the instructor has been obtained. If the testing date changes after submission of the SAA form, we must have instructor confirmation/approval.
- Students must store book bags and other belongings on the designated shelves while testing unless exceptions have been indicated on the SAA form by the instructor.
- No cell phones, pagers, fitness trackers, smart watches or other personal data or electronic devices may be used during testing. These items must be stored in a purse, back pack, book bag or held by the ODS staff during testing. Any ringers or alarms must turned off or set to vibrate.
- If testing requires the use of blue books or loose-leaf paper for essay completion, we will swap out our paper for yours.
- All instances of academic misconduct that take place in the ATC will be reported to the faculty member and handled in accord with University policies.
Using Adaptive Technology or Studying in the Center
- Cell phones may not be used in the center. These items must have any ringers or alarms turned off or set to vibrate while in the center.
- Students should make appointments in advance to use computers, adaptive technology, or to study. As testing is our first priority, equipment and space might not always be available.
- Staff members may not be available to assist with adaptive technology or other concerns while testing is in progress.
- Students may not change the setup of or any program on any computer.
- Students are responsible for the equipment they use and for any damage incurred through negligent or careless use.
- To ensure a quiet environment, students using voice output capabilities on a computer will be required to use headphones.
- The staff is available to assist students in the use of technology or for training in the use of adaptive technology. An appointment is required for this type of assistance.
Student Accommodation Agreement (SAA)
This form is used by most students receiving classroom accommodations and by all students receiving testing accommodations. One form should be submitted for each class in which such accommodations will be needed. The student should meet with each faculty member and have the form completed (email can be used for on-line courses.) A copy of the completed form will be scanned to each faculty member and student.
This form is used to make arrangements/appointments to take tests with accommodations in the Accommodative Testing Center (ATC). Test, quiz and final exam dates are scheduled and the student receives emailed notification of each appointment.
Types of Activities in the ATC
- Testing with accommodations that are not facilitated by the individual instructors.
- Testing with accommodations requiring the use of adaptive technology.
- The production of course-related materials in alternative formats .
- Coordination of note-taking services.
- Quiet study, by appointment.
- Use of adaptive technology, by appointment.
- Loan of equipment, directly related to approved accommodations.
- Voter registration.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am registered with the office. How do I make arrangements to take a test in the ATC?
At the beginning of the semester, you must request accommodations by emailing to request your Student Accommodation Agreement form (SAA.) A completed SAA form for the class must be on file in the ATC. To reserve testing time, the form submitted must have the test, quiz and final exam dates included on the form or if not on the syllabus, you will need to notify the office of scheduled test and quiz dates.
What do I do for testing with extended time if my classes are scheduled back-to-back?
Talk with your faculty member when completing the SAA form. You may be required to start the test earlier or later than the class. For example, if you have a 9:00 and a 10:00 class, the faculty member for the 9:00 class may have you begin the test at 8:00 or 8:30, allowing for extra testing time and then subsequently allowing you to attend the 10:00 class. If your faculty member has questions about this, please let us know and ask him/her to contact us at 504-280-7327.
What do I do if my instructor changes the date of a test?
Contact the instructor and ask him or her to confirm this change with the office. We cannot change the date or time of a test without confirmation from the faculty member.
What if I cannot take an exam at the scheduled time/if I miss a scheduled test?
You will have to contact your faculty member and reschedule, if the faculty member鈥檚 policy allows for make-up exams. We cannot change the date or time of a test without confirmation from the faculty member.
What if I do not know the test dates in advance/these are not provided in advance by the faculty member?
You must let us know as soon as possible. When no tests are scheduled, the staff may not be available. There is a possibility that the ATC might have a full schedule and alternate arrangements may need to be made with your faculty member.
I would like to use the ATC for quiet study. or I would like to use a computer to work on a class paper. How can I arrange this?
Ideally, you should schedule appointments for these types of activities. The ATC鈥檚 primary function is to accommodate students for testing. If the testing schedule is full, you will not be able to schedule for other purposes. We may be able to arrange these types of activities on a drop-in basis, but accommodative testing is our priority. You may be asked to leave/relinquish use of equipment for a scheduled test.