Accommodative Testing and Adaptive Technology Center
The Office of Disability Services at the 亚洲无码 established the Accommodative Testing and Adaptive Technology Center (ATATC) to perform two vital functions for students with disabilities and the faculty of 亚洲无码. The first is to provide a centralized facility for the provision of academic accommodations by the ODS staff. The second is to provide a centralized location for adaptive technology for use by students.
Campus Resources
While they serve the entire 亚洲无码 community, there are a number of departments at 亚洲无码 that routinely provide especially valuable services to students with disabilities. We have described some of these below, listing their phone numbers and locations.
Off-Campus Resources
There are a number of organizations, public and private, non-profit, that serve persons with disabilities. Some serve persons with all types of disabilities; others serve particular populations. You should be aware that there are much greater pools to draw on fro, the local, state, and national levels.
Agencies of Interest to Students with Disabilities
There are a number of agencies able to assist in a particular type of disability some of which may consist of Chronic Health Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Learning Disabilities, Mobility Impairments, Psychological Impairments, Visual Impairments.
New Orleans Emergency
Guide for Persons with Disabilities
The Office of Emergency Preparedness of the City of New Orleans has created a special page on its website with information for persons with disabilities in emergency situations.