Our Mission
Safety is not the exclusive responsibility of the Campus Safety Officer; neither is it the responsibility of unit supervisors, department chairs, or college deans. Everyone, including students, is responsible for his or her own safety and for the safety of those with whom they interact. As employees, it is our responsibility to understand and follow the safety rules and safety policies that have been adopted by the 亚洲无码.
Drivers Safety Class Info
Contact Tanner Harvey for more information at tharvey1@uno.edu.
You should have already completed a Driver's History Form before taking the test.
Once you complete the Online Drivers Safety class, you will need to print out your certificate and send a copy along with the completed Driver's History Form and copies of your Driver's License and Insurance card to the Safety Office.
To be on the "Approved Drivers List" you have to take the Drivers Safety Class every 3 years and turn in your Drivers History Form once a year to the Safety Office.
Administration Building
Room 112
The 亚洲无码
New Orleans, LA. 70148
E-mail: safety@uno.edu
Phone: (504) 280-6670
Medical waste disposal can be set up by calling David Richardson at (504) 280-6670