Signature Programs:
Start Fresh Fest
Join us to learn about majors, minors, co-curricular activities, and resources to help you succeed. This campus-wide resource festival includes food, prizes and fun! Co-sponsored with Student Involvement and Leadership.  
Take Away Tuesdays
This is a great opportunity to mingle with HUB staff, fellow students and take away information from campus and community partners! Offered twice per semester.
Wellness Wednesdays/Free Your Mind Fridays
Take time to free your mind with tips on relieving stress and practicing self-care. Offered twice per semester. Engaging activities include mindful movement, art therapy and gardening!
Signature Services:
Privateer Pantry
The Privateer Pantry provides supplemental nutritional support for currently enrolled ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë students who may be experiencing food insecurity. Personal Care items also available.
Resource Connections
Campus and community resources connections personally tailored to address your academic, personal and social success.