1.1 Widen access to provide post-secondary opportunities for all, recognizing that students from all backgrounds can be academically successful.
1.1.1 Reduce enrollment barriers and increase outreach to and engagement with prospective students including adult learners, stop-outs and graduate students, in order to increase access and equity that reflects the diversity of New Orleans and Louisiana.
1.1.2 Enhance the campus orientation program so that all incoming students experience a strong transition to the University, campus life, their future living environment, and their academic major.
1.1.3 Increase the number of academic programs participating in the open house program and better emphasize a combination of curricular and co-curricular activities.
1.1.4 Increase opportunities to participate in social, athletic, and academic events in an effort to engage more prospective students and community members.
1.2 Create an inclusive environment and positive student experience.
1.2.1 Increase the number of programs designed to create a sense of belonging to students.
1.2.2 Provide opportunities for students to engage around issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
1.2.3 Provide opportunities for the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë community to engage in activities designed to enhance an inclusive environment.
1.3 Enhance student success by increasing the persistence and graduation rates for all members of the student body.
1.3.1 Ensure students are able to access information they need, including multi-year plans (4, 5, and 6 year plans), degree requirements and transfer pathways on the University website.
1.3.2 Evaluate and ensure that an adequate number of introductory courses are available to students, including the potential addition of introductory courses in the colleges and majors.
1.3.3 Review data associated with Goal 1 measures to identify students most at risk for academic success and design specific interventions and supports to meet the needs of these groups.
1.3.4 Improve first time passage rates and degree completion rates by strategically increasing use of adaptive and social learning in gateway courses.
1.3.5 Assess and improve academic advisement, tutoring services, counseling, disability services, and career services to meet students’ needs.
1.3.6 Enhance student success programming.