ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Gives Out Greek Awards
The ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë celebrated Greek Life this spring bestowing honors on members of its fifteen fraternities and sororities, as well as chapters, who exemplified outstanding scholarship, character and leadership.
Greek Life is an important and growing part of campus life, said Dale O'Neill, coordinator of student involvement and leadership programs. Members are required to belong to other student organizations and attain certain GPAs. Each fraternity and sorority also chooses an organization to sponsor as its "philanthropy," increasing charitable efforts and volunteerism on campus.
The Greek Awards ceremony was held Wednesday, April 24 in the University Center ballroom. The following awards were presented:
Excellence in Scholarship Awards
Delta Sigma Theta, 3.37 cumulative GPA
Theta Xi, 2.9 cumulative GPA.
Greek Scholar
Alpha Xi Delta, Jessica Hogan
Greek Scholar
Theta Xi, Jordan Fontenot
Excellence in Programming
Alpha Phi Alpha
Outstanding New Member
Hannah Marcotte, Alpha Xi Delta
Outstanding New Member
Kyle Burgan, Lambda Chi Alpha
Excellence in Community Service/Philanthropy
Delta Zeta
Excellence in Community Service/Philanthropy
Kappa Sigma
Chapter Progress Award
Delta Zeta
Chapter Progress Award
Kappa Sigma
Outstanding Chapter President
Kelsey Jane Matthews, Alpha Xi Delta
Outstanding President
Drake Glatter, Theta Xi
Greek Woman of the Year
Ashley Fusilier, Sigma Kappa
Greek Man of the Year
Brandan Bonds, Lambda Chi Alpha
Outstanding Chapter Award
Delta Zeta
Outstanding Chapter Award
Alpha Phi Alpha
Winners of Greek Week
Team Pixar: Alpha Xi Delta, Phi Beta Sigma, Sigma Gamma Rho, Kappa Sigma, and Theta Xi
This team won first place in the following competitions: banner making, trivia, pie eating, karaoke and overall participation.