ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Executive MBA Class of 2013 Prepares Marketing Plans for LSBDC Clients
Students pursuing advanced business degrees in a ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë program designed for executives spent the summer developing individual marketing plans for clients of the Louisiana Small Business Development Center.
The Louisiana Small Business Development Center is the state's largest and most accessible source of assistance for entrepreneurs and the only statewide nationally accredited program that provides business consulting to entrepreneurs at no cost, according to the organization's website. Ten centers around the state help the LSBDC provide local entrepreneurs, business people and residents high-quality one-on-one consulting, training and information resources to help start businesses, grow and succeed.
ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Executive MBA students enrolled in a strategic marketing management course taught by Marketing Professor Pam Kennett-Hensel spent several months developing unique marketing plans for each client, the professor said. Five student groups presented marketing plans to clients and LSBD consultants at the end of the semester.
Clients ranged from the Internet Story Club, a partnership between Sid Noel Rideau (best known as Morgus the Magnificent) and the New Orleans Public Library aimed at teaching children morals and values through the time honored tradition of fable-telling to Golden Hour Enterprises, LLC an EXPO for Gulf Coast residents working in the film industry.
Successful entrepreneur Thierry Elies used student services to help develop a strategic marketing management plan for Mastadonx, a patent-pending product he developed that will serve as a decorative substitute for two or more wooden fence posts, Kennett-Hensel said. Students also helped artist Vincent Guidroz develop a plan for New Orleans Guitar Company, where he sells the high-end custom guitars he produces, and Joe Bouza, who owns a start-up airboat and fishing tour business in St. John Parish.
This summer marks the third year that EMBA students have worked with LSBDC clients in the development of marketing plans, Kennett Hensel-said, noting the students' pro-bono assistant provides much-needed help to the local small business community and allows students to gain real-world experience and apply knowledge that they have gained through their marketing course and other MBA classes.
"ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë's College of Business prides itself on its involvement in the local business community. This gives our students an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom while giving back to the community and is keeping in-line with our mission of service learning," said Kennett-Hensel, who chairs the University's Department of Marketing & Logistics.
"The students did a wonderful job of producing professional marketing plans. Their clients and I couldn't be more pleased."