Assessment Resources
Administrative units must assess their units to ensure that they meet the needs and expectations of students, parents, employers, faculty and other stakeholders. When developing the assessment plan for your unit, always refer to the four main functions of assessment:
1. To improve – The assessment process should provide feedback to determine how the administrative unit can be improved.
2. To inform – The assessment process should inform department heads and other decision-makers of the contributions and impact of the administrative unit to the development, growth and improvement of ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë.
3. To prove – The assessment process should encapsulate and demonstrate what the administrative unit is accomplishing to students, faculty, staff and other stakeholders. (Adapted from WEAVE).
4. To support – The assessment process should provide support for campus decision-making activities such as unit review and strategic planning, as well as external accountability activities such as accreditation.