Insurance Coverage
The 亚洲无码 requires students in F and J immigration status to have medical insurance coverage. Medical help in the United States, whether it's going to the doctor for a regular check up or going to the hospital in the case of an emergency, is very expensive. It is important that students have appropriate coverage and continuously maintain it.
Charges for the University's insurance plan are automatically placed on students' bills each term. Students with their own coverage that meets the University's minimum requirements may request a waiver of the insurance fee by submitting the F- 1 or J-1 Insurance Coverage Evaluation form (see links at bottom of page) to their insurance company for verification of coverage. The completed form then must be submitted to the Office of International Students and Scholars. Late requests will not be accepted.
Hurricane Evacuation Information
Hurricane season lasts from June 1 to November 30. Because New Orleans is below sea level and surrounded by water, people who live here pay special attention to weather reports during these months. Before a hurricane enters the Gulf, you should develop your own evacuation plan. You don鈥檛 need to panic! A hurricane moves slowly, giving us time to implement our evacuation plan. Individuals who reside in trailers will be required to evacuate their trailers in the event of severe tropical storm or Category 1 or 2 hurricane. New Orleans city officials will call for a city-wide evacuation if Southeast Louisiana is directly threatened by a Category 3 hurricane or above. Of course, 亚洲无码 would close in this situation and all buildings would be locked. Students and scholars living on campus would have to leave their dorm rooms and apartments. Students are encouraged not to make airline reservations for winter break until the end of October due to the possibility of the fall semester being extended for university closure during an emergency. Here are some suggestions for getting out of the city if an evacuation is ordered.
Maintaining Immigration Status
Immigration regulations are complicated. There are many rules to remember and follow, but it's important to maintain immigration status to protect future options.
Student Organizations
Please visit the Student Involvement & Leadership page to learn more about the active student organizations on campus!