WorkDay Resources
User Guides & Resources
- Navigating Workday
- My Shortcuts QRC
- PeopleSoft/Workday Speedkey Crosswalk
- Award Proposal QRC
Note: This process is now obsolete. Please use the Proposal Routing Form instead. - CR Award Budgetary Balance by Role Report QRC
Effort Certification
Approving, No Changes
GAs & Student Workers
Terminated Employees
Terminated Managers
Costing Changes
GAs & Student Workers
Terminated Employees
Terminated Managers
Tools & Resources
Translations: PeopleSoft Speedkeys to Workday Worktags
Go to and select the "" tile. This tool will help you cross-reference Peoplesoft speedkeys with their corresponding Workday worktags.
Updated SharePoint Forms
NOTE: With the retirement of InfoPath, all SharePoint forms have been retired. Visit our Resource Library for the most updated versions of these forms.
Many of the Office of Research SharePoint forms have been updated or replaced with new and improved editions so that we can best serve you. Download the help guides located in the top of every new form for detailed instructions.
The following forms have been updated, with more to come in the future:
1/5/22: HR & Finance PeopleSoft system will cut off users' access beginning February 2022
To provide the IT department enough time to process the data prior to the end of ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë's contract with Oracle on 6/30/2022, the HR and Finance PeopleSoft systems will cut off users’ access beginning February 2022.
Please save all of PeopleSoft queries’ names as backup for yourself; they will be be a good refence for future PeopleSoft data requests. IT will also backup all valid queries with all details.
If you need to access historical data in the future, send any PeopleSoft data requests to
8/26/21: PIs no longer required to submit proposals in Workday
As of August 26, 2021, PIs and business managers are no longer expected to enter award proposal information in Workday or submit the award proposal SharePoint form.
This process has been replaced with a more streamlined proposal routing process which should save time, improve customer service, and reduce administrative burden for all involved.
Visit the Proposal Routing & Definitions page for more information and for a link to the form.
1/4/21: Workday is Live!
As of Jan. 4, 2021, the new Workday platform has replaced PeopleSoft for all Human Resources, Payroll and Finance functions. To access it, log on to and click on the tile. Employees who are paid biweekly will have access to their Jan. 8, 2021 pay slips in Workday.
- Beneficiaries: All employees need to enter their beneficiaries in Workday. Log in to, click on the Workday Education tile and follow the job aids listed in the ELearning-Benefits section for information on how to change and update beneficiaries in Workday.
- Education Information: Employee education records listed in Workday will take a few weeks to be updated. You may be required to submit official transcripts when requesting education degree updates.
- General Training: For self-guided help with Workday, click on the tile within Here you will find job aids on various topics to assist you in your day-to-day activities. ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë encourages all employees to review trainings regularly and participate in those that are relevant. Direct questions to
10/1/20: 2020 Calendar Year End Closing and New Finance Deadlines
To accommodate the transition from PeopleSoft to Workday, the Office of Research must enforce the following deadlines regarding grant and contract operations. All items must be received by 4:30 PM on the given day.
Item Deadline (by 4:30 PM) Notes New Proposals January 3, 2021 Grant and Contract Proposals will be submitted on the SharePoint Routing Form through January 3, 2021.
Effective January 4, 2021: Grant and contract proposals will be submitted on a new SharePoint Award Proposal Form that links into Workday.- New Awards
- Advance Number Request Forms
- Budget Adjustments
- No Cost Extensions
- Cost Transfer Requests
December 11, 2020 No new awards/speedkeys will be created in PeopleSoft after 12/11/20.
New awards will be created in Workday as soon as possible.
Advance Number Request Forms can be submitted if you anticipate a new award during the blackout dates – if your dean approves and submits prior to December 7, 2020.Subawards Follow requisition dates for Purchasing In PeopleSoft, subawards are encumbered via requisition and must follow the same deadlines as outlined by the Purchasing Office.
In Workday, subawards will be processed effective 1/4/21. -
9/29/20: Important Workday-Related HR Deadlines
5/19/20: Revised Go-Live Date
4/15/20: Fiscal Year End Closing and New Finance Deadlines
4/13/20: Human Resources and Payroll Transaction and Processing Timeline
2/19/20: Expenditure Certification reminder
Expenditure Certification procedure developed to improve award budget management
In August 2019, the Office of Research implemented an expenditure certification procedure to better assist researchers with managing their awards. The new procedure ensures that charges are posted into our systems before the transition to Workday.
Certification Process
PIs, co-PIs, and business managers are sent a list of expenditures for grants/contracts. The first list of expenditures were cumulative; expenditures have been presented quarterly thereafter. Upon receiving the report, the PIs sign a certifying that the expenditures are allowable, allocable, and reasonable.
If there are incorrect charges on an award, this alerts the researcher early and allows time to correct the award before it is closed. In this way, PIs are better able to use their budgets while avoiding overdrafts.
Contact your grant administrator if you have any questions regarding expenses on your grants contracts.
8/6/19: Expenditure Certification procedure developed to improve award budget management
Expenditure Certification procedure developed to improve award budget management
To better assist researchers with managing their awards, the Office of Research is implementing a procedure to send principal investigators, co-principal investigators, and business managers a list of expenditures for grants/contracts. The new procedure will ensure that charges are posted into our systems before the transition to Workday.
Certification Process
PIs and business managers will be sent expenditure reports—they need not generate their own. The first list of expenditures will always be cumulative; expenditures will be presented quarterly thereafter. Upon receiving the report, the PI will sign a certifying that the expenditures are allowable, allocable, and reasonable.
If there are incorrect charges on an award, this will alert the researcher early and allow time to correct the award before it is closed. In this way, PIs will be better able to use their budgets while avoiding overdrafts.
Contact your grant administrator if you have any questions regarding expenses on your grants contracts.
3/25/19: ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë staff members named Workday facilitators
ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë staff members named Workday facilitators
As the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë, Louisiana Tech University, and Southeastern Louisiana University prepare for the transition to Workday, the three systems have been coordinating a massive restructuring of business and operating procedures. The collaborative effort demands dedicated oversight, and the University of Louisiana System has named facilitators at each university to champion the integration of crucial component systems.
Carol Lunn, assistant vice president for research and economic development, and David Armstrong, payroll manager, were named the system-wide facilitators for the grants and payroll components of Workday.
Lunn, Armstrong, and their staffs are working with their counterparts at Louisiana Tech and Southeastern to ensure Workday supports business procedures vital to all three universities. They host regular meetings with their respective teams and phone calls with the Workday consultant, facilitating conversation and advocating for the groups' priorities.
In May, Lunn and the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Office of Research will host a system-wide demonstration of Workday's grant administration and management functionality, providing documentation to support user training at all three universities.
2/26/19: Office of Research restructures staff members into service teams
Office of Research restructures staff members into service teams
The ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë's transition to Workday has prompted the Office of Research to restructure our pre-award and post-award staff members into teams managing specific academic and non-academic units. This new method of serving the scholars and researchers at the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë should streamline communications about grants, contracts, and sponsored programs throughout the application and award process.
The Office of Research transitioned to the below team structure:
- Rebecca Drake serves the College of Science.
- Kendy Martinez serves all other academic and non-academic units.
- Burt Neal manages all sub-awards and internal award programs.
- Jesse Sherrell serves the College of Business Administration and the College of Liberal Arts, Education, and Human Development.
- Bing Leng serves the College of Science except the Department of Computer Science.
- Charles Chaisson serves the College of Engineering; the Department of Computer Science; and all other non-academic units.
Visit the Faculty & Staff Research page to learn more about the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë Office of Research service teams.