Service Learning Course Guidelines
Service Learning (SL) courses are credit-based educational experiences designated by a special section number. In order for a course to be designated as service learning it should meet the following guidelines:
Fully Integrated into Course Content
The service opportunity is intentionally designed to enhance the student's knowledge and is fully integrated into the course content.
Structured Reflection
The course provides structured reflection activities that allow students to reflect throughout the course period on their experience. The activities engage students in deep, critical reflection about community issues and challenges and provide methods for drawing connections between course concepts and service experience.
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Addresses a Community Need
The community partner selected for the project or activity is contacted by the University; the SL project is designed in collaboration with the community partner. The faculty member works to build a relationship of trust and mutuality with the community partner. The service learning project is designed to accomplish defined goals, using the university鈥檚 best resources to produce desired benefits for the community partner.
Course Assessment and Evaluation Criteria
The course assessment and evaluation criteria include a process for the student and the community partner to measure impact, successes, and challenges. This process helps to include the community partner's voice and ensure that the service learning experience is a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources.
Engaged Learning
Each semester-long course includes at least 25 hours of engaged learning per student with a community partner on a project approved and assigned by the course instructor. Engaged service learning includes any work that directly benefits the community partner and the approved project. It may include work on-site, as well as communication and relationship building with the community partner.