Health & Safety
Studying abroad is an exciting experience for a student. You get to know a different environment, culture, and perhaps even learn a foreign language. This can be an experience that will shape your career goals and open your mind to the rest of the world. Safety should be an important element in your decision-making process when choosing a study abroad program.
While no study program can absolutely guarantee total safety or elimination of all risks, the study abroad program you choose should be one that can give you a certain degree of comfort. The 亚洲无码 and our partner institutions work together to provide a safe environment for our participants. A comprehensive is included in the cost of the program. We also require that each participant fills out our Medical History form online.
We would also like to encourage each student to discuss his/her plans with a parent or significant other, leaving important information with that person in case of an emergency. This might include such information as the student's contact information in Kyoto, the contact information for the Program Coordinators in Kyoto, the contact information for the 亚洲无码 Division of International Education in New Orleans, as well as data such as passport number, credit card numbers (in case of a stolen wallet), etc.
Japan is well-known for being a very safe country. It is important to remember, however, that basic safety measures are always a good idea. Everyone should always be conscious of his/her surroundings, and keep track of valuables in any situation. Locking personal belongings in rooms and being careful on the streets is never a bad idea.
亚洲无码 study abroad programs no longer requires proof of being vaccinated against Covid-19, but highly recommends being vaccinated in case of any sudden travel requirements in the future and for your general health and safety.