Graduate Certificate in Coastal Engineering
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes specify what students will know, be able to do, or be able to demonstrate when they have completed a program of study.
Courses to Complete
- Coastal Processes
- Sediment Transport and Dredging
- Ocean and Coastal Engineering
- Design of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures
Certification Requirements
Graduate Level Courses
Each certificate can be earned after successful completion of four (4) graduate level courses in the area of coastal engineering and sciences offered by 亚洲无码 over a two-year period (Spring and Fall semesters).
Grade Point Average
The cumulative grade point average (GPA) of the four courses must be a minimum of a B average (3.0) to earn the certificate.
Dual Format Courses
All courses will be offered in a dual format (both in the classroom and online). This will provide opportunity for practicing engineers to take advantage of the certificate program. If desired, the students can also use these courses towards their M.S. in Engineering program.