Coastal Engineering Courses
Format of Courses
- The courses will be offered in Spring or Fall semester
- The courses will be offered in a dual format (classroom and online over the internet)
- The classroom lectures will be videotaped. These videos will be available to the students via 亚洲无码's webpage
- Course notes will be shared with the students through Canvas
- Internet (out of town) students will need a professional engineer to proctor their examinations/ quizzes
Time Frame
The CEAS certificates can be earned in two years. All courses will cover material independent of each other and none of the four (4) courses and prerequisite to the other courses. Therefore, depending upon work schedule and other commitments, the student can start taking the courses at any semester, or miss a semester, and take the missing course(s) when they are offered again over the two-year cycle.
To obtain the certificate, the students will have to complete the following four (4) courses with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of a B average (3.0).
Course Name |
Course Description |
EES 5900
Coastal Processes
(Generally offered every fall semester)
This course will focus on the physical processes operating in the coastal environment. Key elements of this course include wind waves - their generation and transformation processes, coastal hydrodynamics and transport processes, coastal water level fluctuations (short-term and long-term), and governing processes on beach/barrier, deltaic, wetland and estuarine environments. Introductory concepts in coastal morphodynamics will be presented through case studies that cover topics of land building, deltaic and estuarine sedimentation, marsh edge erosion, longshore transport and shoreline change, run-up and inundation over wash during storms, and inlet backbarrier interactions. The course will also emphasize on presenting modeling tools available for the study of such environments, and review observation techniques and analysis tools currently used. |
ENCE 6334
Sediment Transport and Dredging
(Expected to be offered in Spring 2021)
Particle size analysis, fluid-particle systems, incipient motion; suspended and total loads; bedforms; sediment measurements; physical and numerical modeling of sediment transport; transport of liquid-solid mixtures in pipes; dredging equipment; hydraulic and mechanical dredging; geotechnical properties of dredged sediments; environmental impacts of dredging; pipeline transport of dredged sediments. |
ENCE 5723
Ocean and Coastal Engineering
(Generally offered every fall semester)
Elements of wind and wave generation and forecasting, tidal phenomena, hurricanes, storm surge, tsunamis, interaction of waves and wind with coastal and offshore structures, coastal and estuary processes. Design aspects of various topics are discussed and analyzed: e.g., offshore structures, coastal protection, beach formation, harbor resonance, littoral transport and control. A design project is required. |
ENCE 6329
Design of Coastal and Hydraulic Structures
(Offered in Spring 2020)
Design of hydraulic structures including consideration of types and functions of dams; hydraulic design of spillways, crest gates, outlet works, and stilling basins; design considerations for hydraulic machinery, hydroelectric power, canals, and navigation locks; Geotechnical consideration and design of floodwalls; stability, seepage, and settlement of levees; rubble-mound breakwaters; armor layer stability; bulkhead design and stability; shore protection alternatives; design of pumping stations, sector gates, outfall structures; Hurricane and storm Damage Risk Reduction; construction considerations and life-cycle-cost analysis. |