Why study abroad?
A study abroad program gives you the opportunity to combine earning college credit with seeing the world. If you have never been abroad, the program typically provides the guidance and security necessary for such a first international experience. While in college you have access to financial aid and many awards and scholarships, which can help you afford a study abroad program. Also such a program gives you the chance to travel for several weeks without falling behind in your studies, an opportunity you won't have once you enter the workforce. An added bonus – which becomes increasingly important – is the opportunity to list such an international venture in your resumé, which will make you stand out among other job applicants once you complete your studies and apply for your first job.
Why study in Innsbruck?
The Innsbruck International Summer School sets itself apart from many other study abroad programs:
- It was established in 1976 and has been continuously run in Innsbruck since then. Thus, ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë has great experience in international programming and has established strong ties in Innsbruck, both at the university and in the city.
- Innsbruck is a small city, easy to navigate, very safe and walkable, and student-friendly. (The University of Innsbruck has approx. 28,000 students.) Its setting, surrounded by mountains, provides an incredible backdrop and a myriad of recreational opportunities. Its Old Town brims with history and culture, and attracts visitors from all over the world.
- Innsbruck is very centrally located in Europe and provides easy access to other cultural centers of Europe. Independent travel and exploration is encouraged on free weekends.
- At the core of the Innsbruck International Summer School, though, are the courses, the students and the teachers. The program has upheld its academic rigor for decades and continues to do so through its dedicated faculty and staff. Learning, however, does not only occur in the classroom. Guided tours, excursions, field trips, and weekend travel all contribute to the learning experience.
Do I need to speak German to take classes on the program?
No, all of your classes will be taught in English by American and European faculty.
Where will my classes take place?
All classes will take place in classrooms on the University of Innsbruck campus. There are three class time periods each day and students will take two classes each day.
Where will I live?
All participants will live in student dorms in the center of Innsbruck, a five-minute walk from campus. Students will share ensuite twin rooms, with shared kitchens on each floor.
Are meals included?
Breakfast and lunch are included on class days in the University of Innsbruck dining hall. The menu is Austrian-focused and offers vegetarian and vegan options every day.
How do I contact a program staff member?
Staff members from the International Office at ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë will travel to Innsbruck and be present for the duration of the summer school. A program office will be open to all students on every class day, and there is also a 24/7 contact for emergencies.
How will I pick my classes?
You can select class preferences when you complete the online application. Final class assignments will be confirmed for each student in Spring 2025.
Can I travel on the weekends?
There will be a number of weekends for personal travel. Students will be required to complete a mandatory program travel form and will be expected back in Innsbruck on Sunday evenings.
Will I need a passport?
Yes! We encourage students to apply for a passport when they apply for the program.
Is it safe?
Innsbruck is a very safe city with a low level of crime. The same safety precautions you take in the US will serve you well in Austria.