While studying abroad can be a huge life-changing experience for your student, we are aware that it can be a nervous time for you. While students should take responsibility for their own planning when preparing to study abroad, we would encourage you to talk through the process with them. You should be informed about and involved in their decision to enroll in a particular program.
Once your student has been accepted to the program, we would recommend the following discussion topics between you both:
• Talk with your student to ensure they are prepared to travel abroad; this may include topics such as passports, any required visas, financial obligations and their general health and well-being while overseas
• Students will be required to provide medical history information, so perhaps you could offer to help gather this information for them to ensure they can submit it in a timely manner when requested
• Talk about any relevant security and safety information related to their chosen destination
• Discuss any travel plans and activities the student has that are independent of the study abroad program
• Engage the participant in a thorough discussion of safety and behavior issues, insurance needs, and emergency procedures related to living abroad
It is important to have a communication plan with your student before they travel. Participants may find it difficult to communicate on a regular basis due to their academic workload and co-curricular activities, as well as the time difference between the U.S. and Austria.
Please remember that the participant, rather than the program administration, may most appropriately provide information about the ÑÇÖÞÎÞÂë-Innsbruck Summer School.
An orientation session specifically for parents will be held over Zoom in Spring 2025.